Marketing Has Changed
In the past, companies had complete
control over information, access and distribution channels.
The internet has changed all of that. If the customer
cannot access information
quickly, he will move on to the next source. Customers
and prospects are empowered in a variety of ways:
- Can easily find and access many
- Can obtain specifications, request
samples, check pricing and receive a quotation directly
from the manufacturer or supplier.
- Access is 24/7.
Lead-Enabling Strategies
Generating Web traffic is good, but identifying specific,
qualified customers is much better. Depending upon qualification
methodology, the leads can go directly to the sales force
or to further qualification such as telemarketing. Our experience
includes a variety of proven techniques that identify specific,
qualified customers, not just increased traffic.
- Contextual Marketing - Design and implementation
of programs that touch the customer at a time when they
are predisposed to the product message rather than trying
to create interest in an individual company then an
product. This positions the product as the solution to
an existing problem rather than as a product looking
be sold.
- Online Edumarketing - Combines the strategies
of how people learn with the principles of marketing.
Educates consumers to value the process the product
supports. Leads the consumer to discover, on their own,
why they need your product. Enhances sales process productivity.
- Virtual Exhibit Development Trade shows
are expensive. The Web offers the ability for customers
to interact in a virtual environment without leaving their
- Content Development White papers, application
notes, product information and other collateral provide
valuable information and are incentives that are critical
to successful lead-enabling strategies.
- Traffic Development In addition to standard
search engine visibility techniques, we concentrate on
market-specific online directories and resources.


